Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Had a great day monday enjoying downtown Charleston where I got to pose with "The Hunley" if you do not know the story about the Hunley and my personal story about the Hunley be sure to ask and I will tell you.

Upon our return to camp we greeted our new Canadian friends Peter and Lorraine. But before I get to the wine a story on how we met them. On the long ferry ride from the Outer Banks we started talking for a while. But when the ferry docked we went our separate ways. Imagine our surprise the following day when they passed us on the highway--but then again they were gone. But--when we stopped at the visitor center there they were again. So we booked reservations at the same campground in Charleston and happened to stay at the same park in Myrtle Beach--where we ran into them again.
After our return from Charleston--being good polite Canadians they had us over for a drink. Well it was a Canadian drink--I think we went thru 3 bottles (1 large one) of wine for 4 of us--but since our campsite was about 25 yards away we were able to make it home. It was a truly wonderful evening and one that we will all remember. Safe travels to you two!!!

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