Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Green Bike Program in Waldport

Tonight I drove down to Waldport, OR to hang out at the Green Bike Program in Waldport.  This is a terrific program that fixes donated, generally abused, bikes to put out into the community on the "honor system".  Many of the bikes go to homeless people or students who otherwise could not afford a bike.  Other bikes are painted green and placed in different locations around Waldport to be used and returned by whoever wants to borrow them.  The program also offers a platform for young people to learn the skills necessary to repair bikes.  When I am in town I try to go down there at least once each week to learn bike mechanics.  Next week, Rick Hill, who is a volunteer extraordinaire, and the person who makes this program so successful, is starting a 3 week class for women to learn bike mechanics.  I am really looking forward to this class, and feel it will add to my confidence to take off on a cross country bike ride.  The Green Bike Program operates under the umbrella of Seashore Family Literacy.  For more information see the Seashore Family Literacy website:

1 comment:

  1. Nancy,
    Thanks so much for spreading the word about Green Bikes & Seashore Family Literacy.

    We just launched our website (and Facebook page) if you'd like to know more, and see some great Green Bike photos:

    Thanks again,
    Drew Myron
    Seashore Family Literacy
    (Volunteer) Director of Outreach & Writing Programs
